Current post: Introducing: ‘The Coalition’


“Save the masses, accept the individual.”

Now that we’ve introduced all the members of our team, it’s about time we tell you a little bit about what it is that we are working on. Blue Falcon is a company focused on creating a massive science fiction universe to build all our products off of, and that universe is called ‘The Coalition’.

It is important to us that ‘The Coalition’ explores subjects, such as the balance between being your own unique and authentic self, and participating within a — at times overwhelming — greater whole that is society. We are building these strong norms and values into the foundation of ‘The Coalition’. This is achieved by working with professionals that have a lot of experience and expertise with these kinds of social political issues, in the same way that we check our science with real scientists. This interdisciplinary work is essential to Blue Falcon. Working and creating artistically in a vacuum leads to strange things such as space magic, whereas we are aiming to create something fantastical, but grounded.

‘The Coalition’ is, at its core, a vast universe of potential, the potential to go anywhere, do anything and be anyone. The rules of the upcoming pen and paper game and the scientifically researched lore provide a framework to help you become a part of an uncountable number of stories. But all of them have this universe as its foundation.

‘The Coalition’ is the overarching government in a galaxy-sized society of aliens. This galaxy is an alternate universe to our own; the galaxies of Andromeda and the Milky Way have crashed several eras before our own, creating a hotbed for life due to all the geological activity on all the planets in the galaxy. In this new galaxy, a group of different intelligent alien species all decided to work together and share resources rather than violently take them from each other. This turned out to work so well for them that they advanced their ideas and moved out into the rest of the Galaxy.

Species were quick to join up and ‘The Coalition’ became a growing machine. Over the centuries of expansion, the ideals and hopes of ‘The Coalition’ started fading; they took species and planets by force if said species and planets turned out to be unwilling to join. So what started as a benevolent cooperation slowly morphed into a dictatorial regime, making demands of entire systems and quadrants. While the ideology of doing everything together had faded, the method of ruling had not. Ultimately a socialist system, ‘The Coalition’ provides as much as it can for its citizens in the form of a base income, daily food intake and medical welfare. On top of that, ‘The Coalition’ maintains strict rules about harvesting resources and maintaining functional ecosystems on planets. To that effect, they’ve created something called a ‘Unicity’: A mass produced city base of twenty levels tall, each level being the height of a minor skyscraper. These so-called Unicities hold, on average, three billion people; the entire population of a habitable planet in some cases. It is here that most stories will play out.

Underlying this governmental welfare society is a capitalist free-market economy that is, besides its taxes, entirely separate from the government itself. These economies are what are ultimately the cause of most problems in ‘The Coalition’. Due to the capitalist system, inequality and classism reign supreme in this world. The divide between the rich and the poor, the buying of governmental institutions or employees to push legislation through, all contribute to that inequality. These corporations ultimately are what rule cities, sometimes entire systems, and as long as the money is flowing and nobody is revolting, ‘The Coalition’ will stand by and do nothing.

Where does all the science fiction come in? With all the bonkers aliens and crazy technologies, of course. There are about 9000+ intelligent forms of life that inhabit ‘The Coalition’ and we don’t expect to design and work out all of them — although that would be nice at some point. And the technological advancement is about 6000 years from now with near unimpeded progress. This is because the species that originally made up ‘The Coalition’ started expanding at about 2000BC and as such needed to be around humanity’s current technological level to start doing so. It is useful to remember in all this that humans are not at the center of this universe; they are just another species amongst the many.

In closing, ‘The Coalition’ is a universe about individualism alongside collectivism, about socialism alongside capitalism. A world of irreconcilable differences attempting to be reconciled. A world where the masses can be saved, if the individual is accepted.

But mostly? It’s about cool aliens and cyberpunk.

One response to “Introducing: ‘The Coalition’”

  1. Rienk Kroese says:

    Awesome idea! It really stirs the brain.

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